Other Addictions

There are many things in our lives that we can find to be unmanageable. Not all of these out-of-control problems fall neatly under the category of addictions. However,  if a behavior is causing a problem and you don’t seem to be able to stop it—that behavior needs the same kind of help as any of the more widely recognized addictions.

See if you can relate to the first two paragraphs of the Foreword from He Did Deliver Me from Bondage:

You promise you’ll never do it again. You promise you’ll never overeat again, never hide food again, never bounce checks again, never yell at the kids for no reason again—never, never, never! You promise God and anyone who will listen that you’ll never repeat your destructive behavior. And you are sincere—heartbreakingly sincere. But repeat them you do. And you do. And you do. And day after endless day, your life repeats itself. You are caught in a cycle of repentance and relapse. You are in bondage.
Does this sound familiar to you? Have you ever found, or do you now find, yourself in bondage too? Are you swept up in a similar cycle of bad habits, self-defeating behaviors, self-destructive and insane behaviors—compulsive, addictive behaviors? Do you ever wonder if there is a way out?


Many Problems Afflict Us and Diminish the Quality of Our Lives

Almost any behavior, even very laudable or praiseworthy activies, can become a problem if indulged in to excess, or in order to avoid other important responsibilities. Here are just a few:

  • Overspending
  • Gambling
  • Overwork (“Workaholism”)
  • Overuse of Video Games
  • Internet Addiction (apart from pornography addiction)
  • Cleaning (needing your home to be spotless)
  • Crafts & Other Hobbies
  • Over-involvement in Church Work
  • Exercise or sports
  • Depression, anger, frustration

If you think about your life, you can probably come up with a few other behaviors we could add to this list.

But whatever the problem, there is a solution.


All These Problems Have a Common Solution

The solution to all these problems, as well as to any addiction, comes through turning our hearts and souls  over to the Lord, Jesus Christ. Only He can show us the path to true recovery. It is our testimony that no matter what you’re dealing with, learning to trust in the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ is the only answer.