
We Have a History With Jesus

We Have a History With Jesus

I recently read a story of a precious little boy who fell off a pier while his parents weren’t looking at him. Within a few moments, maybe a minute, the father turned around and realized his son was...

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Leaving My Mark

Leaving My Mark

And there shall rise up one mighty among them, who shall do much good, both in word and in deed, being an instrument in the hands of God, with exceeding faith, to work mighty wonders and do that...

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How to Be Productive and Happy

How to Be Productive and Happy

In He Did Deliver Me from Bondage, we find the phrase: “who appeared to be as productive and happy as the Latter-day Saints" (p. 1) Productive and happy. Those are the words that jumped out at me. I...

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Small & Simple

Small & Simple

For years, the physical exercise experts insisted that a person needed to do at least 30 minutes of exercise to stay fit. 40 minutes was better. An hour was fantastic! I could never figure out how...

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Why Do You Come to the Lord?

Why Do You Come to the Lord?

I once heard the question asked, “Are you coming to God because you love Him, or because you want to use Him?” That seemed like a pretty rude question, and at first I was offended. But when I...

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