
God is Waiting for Us . . .

It takes humility to take the first three steps—the surrender steps. They seem so desperate, like I’m throwing in the towel on my life. Like I’m giving up every...

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God is Not a Means to an End

I used to treat God as a means to an end. When I turned to Him, I always had some agenda, a goal or purpose for seeking Him. I had a reason for doing good, being good. If I did what God wanted me to...

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Letting Our Trials Refine Us

I’ve been feeling a little put upon lately. Well, to be honest, for the past several years. And it’s been ticking me off so much that I’ve gained 40 pounds. And that ticks me off too. And in the...

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Finding Fellowship Through Literature

A solid program of recovery includes consistent fellowship with others in recovery. Shared messages of experience, strength and hope makes both the speaker and the listener stronger. It bolsters...

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