ISBN: 978-1930738232

Formats: Paperback, eBook

Colleen C. Harrison

Patterns of Light, Volume 1

LDS 12 Step Recovery

Discovering Patterns of Recovery within the Book of Mormon and Twelve Step Literature

Patterns of Light weaves together scriptures from the Book of Mormon and quotations from Alcoholics Anonymous (the AA Big Book) and Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions to provide a 28 day in-depth study of the principles of recovery found in the Twelve Steps.

The principles of the Twelve Steps are a proven method for coming into “conscious contact” with God. When combined with the power of the Book of Mormon, the result is a deepening spirituality within anyone who uses this course of study.

Of this work, Colleen states:

I must confess the whole truth about this work: it is a gift to me. It has changed my life and given me a practical, proven method of heart-deep repentance. “Working the Steps” has led me to “come unto Christ” (Moroni 10:32). This process of recovery has changed my heart, my mind, my life. And in response to this miracle, I have been filled with the desire to share it with my fellow Latter-day Saints, that you might find this same path to recovery.

The truth is that all mortals—addicted or not—need to learn how to repent and find recovery (redemption). I testify that these true principles have the power to bring us recovery from mortality’s greatest challenges. When focused on our relationship with Jesus Christ, they can literally restore us to a state of “sobriety” and “sanity” that only He can give.

Recommended prerequisite reading: He Did Deliver Me From Bondage or Clean Hands Pure Heart.

Best Selling Author

Colleen C. Harrison

Colleen holds a BA and MA in English from Brigham Young University. She has also completed training for certification as an Addictions Counselor from the University of Utah, and all of the course work for a PhD in Family and Human Development form Utah State University. She writes about gospel-based addiction recovery for the Latter-day Saint community. Visit Colleen’s website.