Working the Steps Is Like Reconstructive Surgery

Over three decades of my life, from age 34 to 64 years old, the Lord has led me to return to the Twelve Steps of recovery over and over again. He has used the Steps to peel away my pride, one layer at a time. It’s sort of like reconstructive surgery. You can’t...
Adequate Is Sufficient

Adequate Is Sufficient

Now I, Chemish, write what few things I write…And I make an end (Omni 1:9). Wow! One verse! Chemish only wrote one verse. Why? Why would the Lord even want to include in Mormon’s abridgement efforts, in Joseph’s translation efforts, in our study efforts, the...
Adequate Is Sufficient

The Power in Writing the Little Bit

“I should write upon these plates a few of the things which I considered to be most precious…” (Jacob 1:2) Once again, I must testify of how important writing can be in our on-going journey of recovery.  There has never come a time when writing hasn’t been beneficial...
Adequate Is Sufficient

A New Year of Baby Steps

A new year is upon us and many of us are taking inventory and making plans to change. We desire to be better, to do better, so we make long lists of resolutions, detailed itemizations of things we need or want to change in our lives. I think that taking inventory and...