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Omni 1:26—Offer your whole souls as an offering unto him.

How much plainer can it be stated? Our whole soul—body and spirit. This is the ultimate act of consecration. It is to come full circle back to God and offer to Him all that He’s given us. Not just a tithe or a portion, but everything. It is to consecrate unto Him the one thing that He did not create—our sovereign agency, or will. My will is my gift to God. His power is His gift to me.

Still, it can be terrifying to make such a complete surrender. Some of us may have feelings similar to this alcoholic:

Nothing is going to turn me into a nonentity. If I keep on turning my life and my will over to the care of Something or Somebody else, what will become of me? I’ll look like the hole in the doughnut (12&12, 36).

Thus the author portrays the fear and resistance we often feel at “offering our whole souls as an offering” to God.


Ponder and write about the fact that you are an eternal entity endowed by God with a spirit body and, more recently, a physical body (D&C 93:29). How does it make you feel to know there is something only you can give to the Lord—your willingness (will)?

There may be men or women who have exercised unrighteous dominion over your soul. Can you decide to believe that the Lord Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father are not among them? Can you believe that they do not approve of such dominion, though They allow it for eternally important purposes? Write a letter to Heavenly Father expressing your thoughts, fears or feelings concerning this concept.

~Excerpted from Patterns of Light I ©2013, 2000 Hearthaven Publishing

©2013 Hearthaven Publishing. All rights reserved.

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