Lamentations is not just a short but depressing book in the Bible. It’s a testament to the mercy and goodness of God.

In Lamentations, Jeremiah bewails the condition of his world—sorrow, misery, desolation, calamity, sin, iniquity…

Sound familiar? Just listen to the nightly news.

But Jeremiah lets us know that it’s okay to feel sorrow over things.

Lamenting is actually a great act of faith and trust. It’s trusting in God’s loving kindness and goodness enough to tell Him your whole truth—even the sad, mad, confused, frustrated parts.

Even when He is the one you’re sad, mad, confused and frustrated with.

A relationship with God is like a marriage. If you don’t have a marriage where you can tell your partner the whole truth—including your fears and frustrations—then it’s not a true partnership. If you can’t complain, it’s not a genuine, whole and whole-hearted, healthy relationship.

That doesn’t mean that a partner needs to complain about every little thing, but they need to feel free to express any concerns that keep coming up over and over again. We all have something to complain about in this life. That’s the nature of mortality. It is never going to be all good.

And just like in a good and healthy marriage, God is there to listen to our concerns and worries, our fears and frustrations without taking them personally.  And like a faithful spouse, He will have compassion on our not-always-perfect self. He will extend patience to us and renew His faith in us.  “It’s hard, but I know you’re equal to it.  I believe in you.”  What an amazing thing to “hear” the Lord convey to your heart!

Never be afraid to lament, as Jeremiah did. Never be afraid to “turn again to the Lord” and “lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens”  (Lamentations 3:40-41). God will not leave us comfortless but will come to us in our hour of need (John 14:18).

~Colleen H.

©2012 Hearthaven Publishing. All rights reserved.

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