Addiction or Atonement—There Are Only Two Choices
When you boil life down to the basics, you only have two choices for dealing with the discomforts of mortality. Either you choose addiction to dull the pain or you choose the peace of God and live (Alma 37:47). You can choose to become and/or remain an addict to...
Unto Me a Child is Born!
I love Christmas for a lot of reasons, and one of them is that I get the chance to attend a Messiah sing-in…or is it a “sing along”? Whichever, it’s so glorious to stand up and sing the “Halleluiah Chorus” at the top of my lungs and have my very “littlest angel” voice...
Irrational Kindness
God is irrationally kind by the ways of man. His ways are higher than our ways. His kindness is infinite. It can afford to be. Where He dwells and where we came from–and where we will eventually return –there is no limit to time. There is no limit to mercy...