Christ, Step 1, Step 2, Step 3
It takes humility to take the first three steps—the surrender steps. They seem so desperate, like I’m throwing in the towel on my life. Like I’m giving up every bit of personal power. And I am. But in the most counter-intuitive and paradoxical way, these steps toward...
God's In Charge, Twelve Steps
Living by the Twelve Steps is essentially agreeing to give up our power—or rather, our powerlessness—in exchange for God’s power. It is becoming willing to do only what God gives me the power to do. But when I offer up my will to God, relying on His power, does this...
Christ, Recovery, Twelve Steps
There is a Power for good that fills the Universe (D&C 88:7-13), and through faith in Jesus Christ, you can access it and apply it for good in your own life. If you will accept the easiness of this way (Alma 37:46) and follow the steps described and upheld by...