Finding Fellowship Through Literature

A solid program of recovery includes consistent fellowship with others in recovery. Shared messages of experience, strength and hope makes both the speaker and the listener stronger. It bolsters commitment to a recovered way of life. But sometimes, you just can’t get...

Free Step Friday: Confessing Our Sins (Step 5)

What is Free Step Friday (#freestepfriday)? Click here for details. Scripture: Mosiah 26:35–36—And whosoever repented of their sins and did confess them, them he did number among the people of the church; and those that would not confess their sins and repent of their...

Overcoming Evil

At a conference a few years ago, a talked about how important it is to fight the adversary, to do combat with him. I suppose that on the surface this seems like a good idea, but my heart cried out, “No!” I wanted to jump from my seat and proclaim what I perceive to be...

Memorial Day

Here in the United States, on the last Monday in May, we honor those who have given their lives in active military service. This is the official observance of our Memorial Day. For many of us, however, it has also become a day when our thoughts are drawn to other,...