Conscious Contact: The Only Thing That Fills My Need

What Part of Step One Don’t We Understand?

When it mentions “complete defeat” on page 21 of AA’s Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, it means complete. I’m tempted to ask, what part of “complete” don’t we understand? Complete means 100%. Not 98 or even 99 percent defeated. Complete defeat. Total,...
Conscious Contact: The Only Thing That Fills My Need

3rd Step and 449

In the 4th edition of Alcoholics Anonymous (the AA Big Book), on pp.407–420 there is the most amazing sharing entitled, “Acceptance Was the Answer.”  There is a quote that twelve-steppers often reference. “Nothing, absolutely NOTHING happens in God’s world...
Conscious Contact: The Only Thing That Fills My Need


Lamentations is not just a short but depressing book in the Bible. It’s a testament to the mercy and goodness of God. In Lamentations, Jeremiah bewails the condition of his world—sorrow, misery, desolation, calamity, sin, iniquity… Sound familiar? Just listen to the...
Conscious Contact: The Only Thing That Fills My Need

Backing Away from God, Backing Away from Truth

When a person says they’re having a hard time connecting with God, I immediately know there is some truth in their life that they’re not ready to acknowledge.  There is something they’re shying away from, something they don’t want to process or embrace. When we...