Letting Our Trials Refine Us

I’ve been feeling a little put upon lately. Well, to be honest, for the past several years. And it’s been ticking me off so much that I’ve gained 40 pounds. And that ticks me off too. And in the midst of my ticked-offedness this morning, I read this verse of...
We Are All Special Needs Children

We Are All Special Needs Children

While in mortality, we are all special needs children. We are babies. We all have our unique set of quirks and flaws and disabilities. We are the equivalent of children who are temporarily handicapped, blinded as we are by the veil—blinded and muffled—wrapped in...
We Are All Special Needs Children

The Pain or the Purpose

We have to accept that life is a battle between two forces—the Truth and the Lie; Christ and the Liar. That’s just the way it is. The tug and pull, the on-again-off-again phenomenon is inevitable. We must also accept that we have no ability to determine the ratio of...
We Are All Special Needs Children

A New Year of Baby Steps

A new year is upon us and many of us are taking inventory and making plans to change. We desire to be better, to do better, so we make long lists of resolutions, detailed itemizations of things we need or want to change in our lives. I think that taking inventory and...